Sunday, March 16, 2025
RSA March 17th 2025
I'm quite happy to tell everyone that nearly every prize for the membership drive is in the mail. I can also tell from my shipping dashboard that a few of you have received your gifts! I really hope you like the USB and the Spreadsheet! Its likely that next year the prizes for <$50 will be digital only. The cost of postage has skyrocketed here, and I have some thinking to do about 2026. But thats all old news. We're all about new music and "Today" rather than "Tomorrow!" Phosgore - Slaves To The Bassline (Chainreactor) Psyhound - Neurotransmitters (v2.0.25) Nordstaat - Transhuman Forces Alex Braun - Zeitfresser (Silica Gel) Penetrate The Facade - Scars Of Your Soul Absurd Minds - Serve Or Suffer (Subjection) The Saint Paul - Milk'n Honey Deviant UK - Access Denied!
Sunday, March 09, 2025
RSA March 10th 2025
The prizes have all be "created" and are now sitting next to a box of small mailers. This afternoon I'll be sending out the first batch and I figure that barring crazy circumstances everything will be in the mail and done in a week. Hopefully you'll be able to enjoy your little gift very soon! But this week we've got a great show for you, I've managed to avoid having too much stuff "hanging around" from 2024, so unlike most years I'm not struggling to put square pegs in round holes. We've got a great show for everyone, and once again thanks to all of my wonderful supporters! DSTRTD SGNL - Shine A Light (Club) Massiv In Mensch - Procrastination (Rana Orborea) E_Lect - Empty Streets Happy707 - Metallic Sky Encephalon - Illusions Dark-O-Matic - Trash Darkvolt - White Lie (Novakill) Death By Love - Strong Inside
Saturday, March 01, 2025
RSA March 3rd 2025
The annual membership drive is over, and you'll no longer have to listen to me beg for money! It was a great success this year, and really made me feel good that so many people are willing to part with their hard earned money for my little show. Now of course I have to get my act together, fill dozens of USB keys to mail out, and a number of cards and thank-yous. But without any further ado, here's what your donations bring us! A brand new epsiode of RSA! Happy707 - Alsina Noemi Aurora - The Alchemist (Aesthetische) Asymetric80 - Innocent Stigmata Sto Desyat - Ball Of Vampires Urban Matrix - From The Skies Monody - Stand Fermion - Unity Within Chaos Parralox - Teardrop v10
Saturday, February 22, 2025
RSA February 24th 2025
Welcome to the final week of the 2025 membership drive! We'll be accepting donations until next weekend, and then the list will be set in stone! The USB sticks have been ordered, and some will come laser etched with the RSA logo! Your donations are appreciated beyond beleif, it keeps RSA going for another year. But part of that is me delivering new shows for everyone, and this week we've got some great stuff for everyone, including the return of a band that we haven't played since 2017! DSTRTD SGNL - Echoes (Extended) Robota Robotny - Fass Mich Nicht An (Das Schwarze System) Antibody - Dios, Goodbye! (Modulate) Extize - Renaissance Rave Massiv In Mensch - Scharlatan (Club) E_Lect - Schizo Phaser One - Closer (Echodead) Welle Erdball - Lady Dracula
Saturday, February 15, 2025
RSA February 17th 2025
Welcome to the third week of the 2025 membership drive! Thanks for all of your support! We're almost done and will return to even more mispronunciations and start mailing out prizes and thank you's! But never fear, you've still got just under 2 weeks to get in on the fun! This weekend in Toronto we're being treated to something like 36 hours of straight snow, fairly heavy for this part of Canada. So I've stocked up on snacks and I've got to get caught up on Severance. I'm getting everything done early for the weekend so I can enjoy the last few days of my stay-cation on the couch. Might even get the final Membership drive show started! But I'm getting ahead of myself... Blut Reaktor - Lovers Virulents - Basilisk Cryptic Echoes - Fractured Reality Dezeption - And You Never Hear What I Say Darkvolt - White Lie (Andy De Baeke) Massive Ego - In Your Own Darkness Frozen Plasma - Amnesia (Feat. SITD) Syncfactory - Peace Of Mind
Saturday, February 08, 2025
RSA February 10th 2025
Welcome to the second week of the 2025 membership drive! Yes, we've survived the first week of Todd begging for money, but how about another? Those of you who have been with me for a while will know the drill. A Patreon where I don't bother you every single week. Just the shortest month of the year. Over and done. But your support means the world to me, and I'm always really pleased to see the names of people who have given thier support for years as well as the new names the pop up every year. Welcome and thank you! But enough of that, lets get down to some really great music this week. We hit South America at least twice this week I think, and get some new acts some airplay as well as some returning favourites! MissSuicide - Narziss (Blue Ant) DSTRTD_SGNL - Body to Body (Bigod 20) Black.N - Deforestacion (KRSSV) Uncreated - Alliance State Of Anguish - If Only Happy707 - Inercia Expandida Phaser One - History Repeats (Echodead) NECR0 - Desolate
Saturday, February 01, 2025
RSA February 3rd 2025
The 2025 membership drive is upon us! Yes, we take the month of February to plug what would be called our Patreon. But since RSA has just turned 27, we're keeping it old school. I don't like having to plug anything other than the music so we get it all out in Feb. Help keep RSA going another year by considering visiting the Membership page. Everyone who donates will get something in the mail from me, even if its just a card saying thanks! But enough of that, lets get down to some great new music that is a little synthier-across-the-board than usual. But as I've mentioned in the past the mood I'm in when selecting the tracks does affect my choices. This week its upbeat and dancey! Decence - Interstellar Stars Crusaders - Eternal Dance Cryptic Echoes - Ghosts In The Alley Front Line Assembly - Mechvirus (Ultra Sunn) Electron7 - The Rise Cicero - Weekender (Extended) E_Lect - You Kite - Heartless Places
Saturday, January 25, 2025
RSA January 27th 2025
Getting things ready for the 2025 membership drive (which starts NEXT week) and listening to this weeks show. I did find the dumbest mispronunciation of a bands name that I've made in quite a while. I'd go and fix it, but perfection is not what people who listen to RSA are expecting. I'd be highly amused with an AI rendition of my voice. Could you imagine training it on all of my mistakes? It'd probably try to end every sentence with "Anyways...". Thanks for the help in the last couple of weeks, folks have pointed out bad links and other general mistakes. I'm sure I'll be thanking you even more next week! But lets get back to the present and after you've all watched the Live Front 242 show on YouTube, we've got a great show with some really nice dancey stuff! MissSuicide - Narziss Ankomst - Dancing In Warsaw (Colony 5) AD-Key - Deine Augen (Extended) Code 64 - The Running Man Black.N - Just A Little Simon Carter - Pain & Pleasure Schwefelgelb - Open World Game (UFO95) Tachion-X - The Opposer
Sunday, January 19, 2025
RSA January 20th 2025
Whoa. I got up bright and early this morning to post RSA, and was merrily away updating the site when I suddenly finished. Wait, I don't have to look up amazon links! This is almost liberating with how much less time its taking. This week we delve a little more into the whole amazon referrals, streaming, and a sudden revelation that a rule I made up and followed was really from the era of physical releases. But there's much less of me talking about myself and RSA this week. Guaranteed! In 2 weeks we'll be starting the membership drive, so next week we'll be reformatting the website a bit and starting a new list of supporters for 2025! But enough about that! Lets listen to some great EBM and techno beats! Any Second - Out Of Control Petros Spatharos - Datura Destroy Me Again - DMA (Matt Hart) Penetrate The Facade - Like Sand In Hand NECR0 - Cold Cut JG Outsider - Faith Virulents - Null Unit Cryptic Echoes - Decay Of Dreams
Saturday, January 11, 2025
RSA January 13th 2025
Its been a very event filled couple of weeks. I took last week off to recharge and reevaluate what I do with RSA. I was feeling a little irrelevant, as I wonder from time to time if well my time has come. Facebook has taken care of the first part. I was very frustrated with the "return" on tagging bands in the RSA posts. So I'm not bothering anymore. Generating Amazon links that aren't used is a big time sink for me. So thats stopped as well. Rather than get frustrated with the whole experience and walking away from it, I'm just cancelling the aspects that "don't bring joy." So while I do talk a bit this week in greater depth about this stuff, lets not forget the purpose of RSA! Getting great new music to you! State Of Anguish - Still The Same Destroy Me Again - Tomorrow Yohann Ko - UnVerso Clan OF Xymox - Blood Of Christ (Matte Blvck) Urban Matrix - Step Inside, If You Dare KRSSV - Protones Infected Sound Machine - Bad Pussy Future Lied To Us - Searching
Saturday, December 28, 2024
RSA December 30th 2024 - 2024 Best Of Show!
I decided last night that I've sat on the Best Of show for 2024 too long. Lets get it out there so people can enjoy it! After painstakingly re-listening to every show from Dec'23 to Dec'24 I've come up with a list of I think were the best discs that passed through my hands in the last year. I always say its the hardest, yet most fun to do. A lot of listening, referring to notes I've made throughout the year, and then making some hard decisions. But I was quite happy that the stuff I had picked in my head as the year progressed didn't "fade" with each listen. I also took all of the "shackles" off and said "This show will be as long as it has to be." But it came in at about the same number of tracks and length as in most years. Its not about quantity, its about quality. So sit back and turn the volume up as we delve into the best of 2024! Negative Format - Molecular Stability Simon Carter - Fat One Neuroticfish - How To Suffer Nordika - Lost Generation Aiboforcen - Executions (Life Before Death) Mondtraume - Pictures Of You Ashbury Heights - Sleeping With A Knife Czarina - Exoskeleto Train To Spain - My Spirit Is Free (Janousek Club) Faderhead - Burn All Night (Electra Black) Massiv In Mensch - Lonesome Lighthouse DSTRTD_SGNL - Atmosfear Teknovore - Oubliette DHI - Chemical Land (1990 Mix Remastered)
Saturday, December 21, 2024
RSA December 23rd 2024
The last show before Christmas, and one more week until the 2024 best of show! I'm actually having real frustrating problems with Facebook now. Enough that if it wasn't for this show I'd be deleting accounts and groups and leaving the damn enshittified platform entirely. So looks like I'll be posting shit on my phone for the next few weeks while they figure out password recovery instead of sending people into looping menus. As always, show notifications are posted on BlueSky and Instagram as well. I also noted that ~300 emails have been "bounced" off the list, so who knows how people are finding this every week. Just subscribe with your favourite podcast app. But with frustration set aside for a moment, we've got some really great stuff for everyone, especially another Destroy Me Again track, as we got a lot of great positive feedback about the track we played last week! Antibody - Vampire Frog (Teknovore) First Aid Tech - Haute Tension AD:Key - Deine Augen (Dee Jay Pari) Conscience - Access Denied (Edit) Chris Shape & Su Eko - Closely Tight Interface - Winds From The West Destroy Me Again - Altered State (Rotoskop) Echodead - Out Of Control
Sunday, December 15, 2024
RSA December 16th 2024
I slaved over a hot hard drive for an extra long time this week! Not only do I have this weeks show done for you all, but I have the 2024 best of show mixed. December 30th is going to be a good day for everyone to try out their new devices with a nice long show. This week we have a lot of great stuff, including a remix/cover that was brought to my attention on BlueSky. Get ready for everything from Futurepop to Synthpop to Stompy aggro techno! Destroy Me Again - Unhappiness (Trance) Volkoff - Awaiting Wisborg - Kalt Wie Eis (Frozen Plasma) Future Lied To Us - Complex NeuroWulf - No Guiding Light Schwefelgelb - Open World Game Phase Fatale - Altars The KLF - What Time Is Love (Bastian's World)
Sunday, December 08, 2024
RSA December 9th 2024
So I've looked at the calendar and gotten RSA all planned out to the end of the year. The annual best of show is coming along nicely, and Monday doesn't fall on any holidays, so I won't really need to take a week off this year. I think I've already taken my statuatory 2 shows off this year, so the next delay probably won't happen until April/May. Anyone speak Polish or Ukrainian? I'll be in Warsaw and Lviv around that time. This week we go through some new releases as I try to get the show posted before Europe has dinner and drinks! Frontal Boundary - Das Blut Infiziert PreEmptive Strike 0.1 - Pause In Chaos Stop The Madness (Single) DSTRTD_SGNL - Noise The Cohrsi - Fuhl Mein Herz (Desastroes) Darkness On Demand - Dust Simon Carter - Moondancer (Stefan Netschio) Interface - Zero Sum State Of Anguish - Down Here
Sunday, December 01, 2024
RSA December 2nd 2024 - Show #141
Welcome to RSA episode #1415! I don't really keep track of stuff like that, every few years I'll check the spreadsheet and think "I've been doing this a while haven't I?" But it isn't inertia, I pretty much start every Tuesday on a new show and spend a few days listening to music. Its really not exactly what I'd call a hardship. Though I did realize that after last weeks extra long show, I have to start compiling the annual best of. I've gotten a good start on it, and am brainstorming ideas for the extra long theme show I always try to do during the membership drive. But we'll burn those bridges when we come to them. For now, enjoy early December! Echodead - I Don't Like Humans Solitary Experiments - Traumen (Neuroticfish) Lifelong Corporation - Into The Night Lights Of Euphoria - Surrender (Tunnel) Uncreated - We Will Attack (Grendel) Pulse Protocol - Heartbeats (Pulsating Orbital) Rue Oberkampf - Solitude (Essenz) Simon Carter - Let Me Sink In Shadows (District 13)