Tuesday, October 08, 2019
RSA 10/07/2019
This week I actually had company over while I was working on RSA, and got to give a basic tutorial on how the show is built each week. I still find it strange when people take interest in the "nuts and bolts" as opposed to the finished product. But hey, maybe I'm a little more interesting than I thought!

Rhys Fulber - Right Hand Of The Free World
Soman - Triballistic (Soman)
Geist + Codenys - Minor v2
Blinky Blinky Computerband - Birth School Work Death (2K19)
Randolph & Mortimer - Exclude Divide (ILLNURSE)
Ginger Snap5 - Leaving The Waste Lands
SlighterxCraigJosephHuxtable - Give Me (Class Of 2001)
RIP - Temporary Evacuation 27.04.86
