Saturday, February 08, 2025
RSA February 10th 2025
Welcome to the second week of the 2025 membership drive! Yes, we've survived the first week of Todd begging for money, but how about another? Those of you who have been with me for a while will know the drill. A Patreon where I don't bother you every single week. Just the shortest month of the year. Over and done. But your support means the world to me, and I'm always really pleased to see the names of people who have given thier support for years as well as the new names the pop up every year. Welcome and thank you! But enough of that, lets get down to some really great music this week. We hit South America at least twice this week I think, and get some new acts some airplay as well as some returning favourites! MissSuicide - Narziss (Blue Ant) DSTRTD_SGNL - Body to Body (Bigod 20) Black.N - Deforestacion (KRSSV) Uncreated - Alliance State Of Anguish - If Only Happy707 - Inercia Expandida Phaser One - History Repeats (Echodead) NECR0 - Desolate