Sunday, March 09, 2025
RSA March 10th 2025
The prizes have all be "created" and are now sitting next to a box of small mailers. This afternoon I'll be sending out the first batch and I figure that barring crazy circumstances everything will be in the mail and done in a week. Hopefully you'll be able to enjoy your little gift very soon! But this week we've got a great show for you, I've managed to avoid having too much stuff "hanging around" from 2024, so unlike most years I'm not struggling to put square pegs in round holes. We've got a great show for everyone, and once again thanks to all of my wonderful supporters! DSTRTD SGNL - Shine A Light (Club) Massiv In Mensch - Procrastination (Rana Orborea) E_Lect - Empty Streets Happy707 - Metallic Sky Encephalon - Illusions Dark-O-Matic - Trash Darkvolt - White Lie (Novakill) Death By Love - Strong Inside