Saturday, March 01, 2025
RSA March 3rd 2025
The annual membership drive is over, and you'll no longer have to listen to me beg for money! It was a great success this year, and really made me feel good that so many people are willing to part with their hard earned money for my little show. Now of course I have to get my act together, fill dozens of USB keys to mail out, and a number of cards and thank-yous. But without any further ado, here's what your donations bring us! A brand new epsiode of RSA! Happy707 - Alsina Noemi Aurora - The Alchemist (Aesthetische) Asymetric80 - Innocent Stigmata Sto Desyat - Ball Of Vampires Urban Matrix - From The Skies Monody - Stand Fermion - Unity Within Chaos Parralox - Teardrop v10